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Matthias Haldimann
M. A. Konferenzdolmetschen
Bakkalaureus der Philosophie (Univ. Wien)
H7 37
68159 Mannheim
Tel.: +49 621 43726969
Tel.: +49 151 12497370
Fax: +49 32 223944510
native language, Translator, sworn interpreter (LG Mannheim), conference interpreter (VKD-Junior)
Translator, sworn interpreter (LG Mannheim), conference interpreter (VKD-Junior)
Translator, interpreter, conference interpreter (VKD-Junior)
Language combinations
English German
Translations, Interpreting (also certified), Conference interpreting
German English
Interpreting (also certified), Conference interpreting
Japanese German
Translations, Interpreting, Conference interpreting
Special Subjects
- Mechanical, Plant, and Apparatus Engineering
- Building Materials Industry
- Automation, Robotics
- Electromobility
Other Services
- Editing Services
CAT tools
- MemoQ
Membership of other organizations
- Österreichischer Übersetzer-und Dolmetscherverband - Universitas (A)
- Association Internationale des Interprètes de Conférence - AIIC (CH)
- Association Suisse des Traducteurs, Terminologues et Interprètes - ASTTI (CH)
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